Employee FAQs



Disclaimer: These FAQ’s are some of the questions that Human Resources frequently gets asked.  这些问题和答案并不打算详尽无遗.  The answers 本常见问题解答页面中的内容不构成法律、财务或税务建议. 这个信息 的目的是提供一些最靠谱的网赌软件某些人力资源的初步指导 issues. 当我们尽一切努力保持这些答案是最新的,法律,十大正规网赌软件 员工手册, 十大正规网赌软件 policies and procedures and circumstances can rapidly change 哪些可以改变本页上给出的答案.



全职员工每月15日和最后一天发工资.  Part-time 每月10号和25号发工资.  如果这些日子真的来了 a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday, payment will be made the prior Friday for that 特殊工资期.

The Direct Deposit form is available for print on the Payroll webpage or Self-Service 横幅,员工选项卡.  你也可以去人力资源部领取. A voided check or print out from your bank with account and routing number must be attached.  注册后,人力资源部会给你一个生效日期. 十大正规网赌软件强烈鼓励 使用直接存款.

联系工资办公室重新签发支票.  换支票要付20美元的费用.
Official pay statements are available in Self-Service Banner or the T-BirdWeb门户 home page.
W-2表格将在1月31日或之前寄到您的家庭住址. They will 也可在电子自助服务横幅,员工选项卡.
The Human 资源办公室 will need a copy of the marriage certificate or divorce 改变你的军事状态的法令.  为了改名,一张社保卡显示 更改后的名称是必需的.
To view Form W-4 information go to Self-Service 横幅,员工选项卡, W-4 Exemptions and allowances.
Print the Form W-4 然后去人力资源部. 可以在任何时候进行更改.
Changes to your address and phone number can be made in Self-Service Banner, Employee tab.



您可以在雇用之日起31天内或在NMPSIA期间注册保险 每年提供开放/转换入学期.  开放/切换注册周期 从十月一日开始,一直持续到十一月中旬.

Insurance rates can be found in Self-Service 横幅,员工选项卡 via the T-BirdWeb Portal.

登录您的NMPSIA雇员档案 http://nmpsiaonline.nmpsia.com/ 或联系谢丽尔·庞兹.
除了少数例外,保险将在每月的第一天生效 在你的录用日期之后. 投保前必须先交一个月的保险费 将会有效.)

Changes can only be made during NMPSIA's open/switch enrollment which typically begins 从10月1日一直持续到11月中旬.  由于“一个资格”的变化 event" such as; involuntary loss of coverage, change in marital status, birth/adoption of a child, incapacity of a child covered under the NMPSIA Group Plan, legal guardianship 或者晋升到一个新的工作类别. 任何此类事件都必须报告 to the Human 资源办公室 and a change card completed within 31 days from the 符合条件的事件. 

Spouse and dependent children under the age of 26 who reside with parents or in 十大正规网赌软件 student housing.
A marriage certificate is required for a spouse and a birth certificate is required for a dependent.
Yes. 您可以在注册后两周内收到您的保险卡 for coverage. 临时卡可以通过运营商的网站打印.
联系您的运营商. 最靠谱的网赌软件见 NMPSIA.com.
Open enrollment changes are effective January 1, however, deductions for new coverage 从12月15日的薪水开始.
在你方便的时候尽早联系人力资源部. 婚姻的变化 身份对于保险来说是至关重要的.
请访问NMPSIA网站查看运营商列表. (http://nmpsia.com/insurance.html)




TIER 1: 2010年7月1日之前的会员

If your ERB membership began before July 1, 2010, and you have not withdrawn all of your contributions, you are eligible to retire on the earliest date you meet any of 以下标准:

1. “25 and Out” – Earned service credits + allowed service credits = 25 or more years. 没有年龄限制.

2. “75法则”——你的年龄+获得的服务积分= 75或更多. 在…的统治下 75, allowed service credits are used to calculate your retirement benefit but do not 计入资格. 如果你在60岁以下退休,并且 不到25年的服役记录,你就退休了


0.6% for each ¼ year, or portion thereof, that retirement occurs prior to age 60 but 过了55岁生日(等于2).每年4%),再加上

1.8% for each ¼ year, or portion thereof, that retirement occurs prior to age 55 (equal to 7.55岁以下每年2%). 例如,如果你已经过了六个月 59岁生日,福利减少1.2%.

3. “65 and 5” – If you are at least 65 years old and have five or more years of earned 服务积分,你有资格退休.

4. 可乐从65岁开始.

TIER 2: 2010年7月1日或之后,但2013年7月1日之前的会员资格

If you are first employed by an ERB employer on or after July 1, 2010, but prior to July 1, 2013 or if you were employed before July 1, 2010, terminated your employment and subsequently withdrew all of your contributions, you must meet one of the following 符合退休资格的条件:

1. “30 and Out”-获得的服务积分= 30年或以上. 没有最低年龄限制 required. 在第2层“30和Out”下,允许的服务信用不用于确定 退休资格,但用于计算退休福利.

2. “80法则”——你的年龄+获得的服务积分= 80或更多. 在规则中 75, allowed service credits are used to calculate your retirement benefit but do not 计入资格. 如果根据这条规定退休,年龄在65岁以下,而且收入更少 than 30 years of earned service credit, your retirement benefit will be reduced by:

• 0.在65岁之前退休,每1 / 4年或其中的一部分占6% 但过了60岁生日(等于2.每年4%),再加上

• 1.每四分之一年,或其中的一部分,在年龄之前退休,则为8% 60 (equal to 7.2% per year).

3. “67 and 5” – If you are at least 67 years old and have five or more years of earned 服务积分,你有资格退休.

4. 可乐从65岁开始.

TIER 3: 2013年7月1日或之后开始成为会员

If your ERB membership began on or after July 1, 2013, or you were employed before July 1, 2013, terminated your employment and subsequently withdrew all of your contributions and returned to work for an ERB employer on or after July 1, 2013, you must meet one 符合下列条件之一,才有资格退休:

1. “30 and Out”-获得的服务积分= 30年或以上. 软最低退休年龄 age of 55: those who retire younger than age 55 with 30 years of service credit will have a reduction in benefits to the actuarial equivalent of the member retiring at age 55. 在第3层“30和Out”下,允许的服务信用不用于确定 退休资格,但用于计算退休福利.

2. “80法则”——你的年龄+获得的服务积分= 80或更多. 在规则中 75, allowed service credits are used to calculate your retirement benefit but do not 计入资格. 如果你根据这条规定退休,年龄在65岁以下,并且 less than 30 years of earned service credit, your retirement benefit will be reduced by:

• 0.6% for each ¼ year, or portion thereof, that retirement occurs prior to the member’s 65岁生日但过了60岁生日(等于2.每年4%),再加上

• 1.8% for each ¼ year, or portion thereof, that retirement occurs prior to the member’s 60岁生日(等于7.2% per year).

3. “67 and 5” – If you are at least 67 years old and have five or more years of earned 服务积分,你有资格退休.

4. 可乐从67岁开始.

When you have met the eligibility requirements and are ready to retire, complete the 退休申请发现在www.nmerb.org. 我们建议您开始这个过程 60-90 days prior to your planned retirement date in order to avoid any interruption in your income. 如果你计划在7月份退休,ERB建议你开始这个过程 在你退休前六个月. 如你仍受雇于雇员再培训局雇主, your employer must submit your Retirement Application to ERB along with a Certification of Termination. 如果你在过去六个月内没有为雇员再培训局的雇主工作, you only need to complete the Member Information page of the Retirement Application.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.nmerb.org.

十大正规网赌软件通过The Standard提供人寿保险. 这里是更多信息的链接, 标准人寿和伤残保险.
您需要填写申请退款和/或展期表格.  Here is the 链接方便您: 退款及/或展期表格. The Employer Certification will need to be completed by Sheryl Pounds in the Human 资源办公室.





Sick Leave

  • 合同为期12个月的员工将获得6英镑.每个工资期67小时.
  • 签订9个月或10个月合同的员工每个发薪期可获得4小时的工作时间.


Vacation Leave

  • 第一年-员工累计1.每个工资期67小时.
  • 第二年-员工累计3.每个工资期33小时.
  • 第三年-每个工资期累计工作5小时.


Personal Leave

  • 签订12个月合同的员工每个财政年度可获得2天的假期.  必须在六月前用完吗 每年30日.
  • 签订9个月或10个月合同的员工每个财政年度可获得4天的假期.  Must be used 在合同到期之前. 他们最多可以休一次未休的事假 每个暑期班每天上课.
  • First year - Employee can only carry over 20 hours at the end of the calendar year.
  • Second year - Employee can only carry over40 hours at the end of the calendar year.
  • Third year - Employee can only carry over 60 hours at the end of the calendar year. 
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA每年休假参加某些资格赛. 有关更多信息,请访问 美国劳工部网站 www.dol.gov.

Yes.  FMLA要求雇主提供12周的无薪工作保障 leave to eligible employees; however, 十大正规网赌软件 requires that the FMLA leave run concurrently with accrued paid sick leave, personal leave and vacation leave for any qualifying event.

The 十大正规网赌软件 policy regarding FMLA can be found in the 员工手册 via Self-Service Banner. 以下是链接,方便您查阅: 员工手册.




For accommodations and disablity services contact the Counseling Department at 575.492.2576.


Health & Safety



Yes. Please report unsafe conditions to Dennis Kelley, Director of 公共安全/安全, at 575.408.2466.

联系你的主管和十大正规网赌软件安全. 如果有紧急情况,请立即拨打911.